Flux-Corrected Transpor (FCT) 算法的软件包LCPFCT,是美国海军研究实验室开发的气体动力学方程(欧拉方程)求解程序。该程序可用于求解 Navier Stokes 方程中的对流项。附件包括研究报告 LCPFCT : Flux-Corrected Transport Algorithm for Solving Generalized Continuity Equations,核心算法和4个示例的Fortran源程序。
1、Convection: 波的匀速直线传播
The First test program, Appendix B, shows tests of linear convection with a fixed uniform velocity. Three different density profiles are convected, a discontinuous square wave profile, a semicircular profile, and a Gaussian peak profile. The program uses either the LCPFCT routine or the CNVFCT routine for this test; they are identical in the limit that the velocity field is constant.
2、Shock: 1维Rankine-Hugoniot激波管问题
The second test program propagates an ideal, one-dimensional, Rankine-Hugoniot shock through a gas with Gamma = 1.4. This program, listed in Appendix C, demonstrates the coupling of several continuity equations to solve a standard gasdynamic problem.
The third test program, Appendix D, simulates a one-dimensional exploding diaphragm (in a shock tube). This problem shows another example of gasdynamics with different boundary conditions and illustrates FCT's dynamic grid features.
The fourth test program is two dimensional and simulates the flow following the bursting of a diaphragm halfway up a finite length barrel. This program, in Appendix E, demonstrates the time splitting multidimensional implementation of LCPFCT on a geometrically complex domain and uses a simple extrapolated outflow condition.